Math Tutors in Chandler

Tutor Doctor Chandler-Gilbert
Job Description
Tutor Doctor Chandler-Gilbert may be a good fit for you if...
  • Are you one of those people that "gets" math?
  • Would you like a fulfilling AND flexible part-time job helping kids feel more confident in academics?
  • Do you consider yourself a mentor or a subject matter expert??
If you have at least 4 free hours between Monday and Thursday 3:30-7:30pm then we should talk!
Tutor Doctor Chandler-Gilbert has been in the East Valley since 2019 and we have a team of over 90 tutors who support around150 students each month, including summer. We always need math tutors but if you are an expert in another subject, or are highly organized to provide general academic support for high school students, we may have a place for you too!

Some of the great perks of tutoring with Tutor Doctor Chandler-Gilbert are…

  • Choose your hours with this flexible part-time job
  • Keep your teaching skills sharp with this job in the education field
  • Great resume builder and professional reference for college students
  • Flexibility to teach in your style
  • Making a difference to students and families in our community
  • We provide resources and professional development
  • Paid online teaching platforms for virtual students

Additional Details:

  • This is a part-time opportunity
  • You can bring fun, creativity, and hands-on lessons your students will love
  • Paid as an 1099 Independent Contractor
  • Most tutoring is conducted in students’ homes in the local area, some sessions are on our digital platform
  • Tutors select their students based on skillset, location, and availability
  • Tutors are expected to continue with students through completion of their course or until an obvious transition point (like a break or the end of semester)
  • Pay varies with experience and certifications ranging from $18-$27/hour
Complete this short-form about your experience and preferences and we will schedule an interview to meet you!