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Discover the Extraordinary with ReadersMagnet at the 7th Annual Festival of Books hosted by the San Diego Union-Tribune

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Name: Discover the Extraordinary with ReadersMagnet at the 7th Annual Festival of Books hosted by the San Diego Union-Tribune
Date: August 19, 2023
Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM MST
Event Description:
ReadersMagnet continues to go beyond the ordinary, turning their authors' creative dreams into reality. ReadersMagnet will join the San Diego Union-Tribune's 7th Annual Festival of Books (SDUTFOB) in San Diego, California, on August 19, 2023. The San Diego Union-Tribune Festival of Books, hosted by the University of San Diego, is an event for every kindred spirit passionate about literature. The free event welcomes attendees worldwide through its purposive and fun-filled activities, including book exhibits, workshops, live entertainment, and discussions with award-winning authors. ReadersMagnet is inspired to partner with community-based organizations Adjoin and Uplift and to sponsor The San Diego Union-Tribune book fair. SDUTFOB shares similar values with RM in providing an exceptional author experience and spreading knowledge. At the same time, Adjoin and Uplift believe in giving back and maximizing human potential, aligning with ReadersMagnet's commitment to trust and quality. ReadersMagnet invites you to drop by its exhibit booth WE-6 and WE-7 at The San Diego Union-Tribune's 7th Annual Festival of Books and check out hundreds of new and exciting book titles. Take the chance to share stories, make memories, and explore anything extraordinary under the San Diego sun with ReadersMagnet.
University of San Diego Alpaka Park
Date/Time Information:
August 19, 2023 9:00 AM to 5 : 00 PM
Contact Information:
John Carl Abines Contact: 1-800-805-0762
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